Pregnancy test

Would you like to know whether you are pregnant? If your period has not come you can find out whether you are pregnant with a urine test.

    • How does a pregnancy test work? »

      The pregnancy test is based on detecting the pregnancy hormone called beta-HCG. This hormone can be found in urine as well as in blood. Usually we do urine testing.

    • How early can you test for pregnancy? »

      The actually performed urine tests are very sensitive and can detect the pregnancy hormone in the morning urine as early as several days before the expected menstruation. But sometimes the test may still show “negative” although the regular menstruation is already a few days late. Therefore, to be sure, the test must be repeated after some days, if you still did not get your period. If you are in doubt, please contact our centre or consult your gynecologist.


Phone (040) 439 28 22


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Contact us by Telephone

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 10-13 h
Tue & Thu 16-18 h

Opening Hours

Monday 10 – 13 h
Wed & Thu 16 – 19 h
or by appointment

zentrum HH e.V. (FPZ)
Bei der Johanniskirche 20
22767 Hamburg

Phone (040) 439 28 22

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