Welcome to the family planning centre!

Our centre is appointment based, we can offer you our services and advice by phone or face-to-face.

Please contact us to make an appointment:

Telephone office hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am - 1pm
Tuesday and Thursday from 4 - 6pm

We are a recognised Counselling Service Centre in Altona and provide information, support and advice on:

  • Pregnancy conflicts (pregnancy conflict counselling) / before an abortion (counselling certificate)
  • Crises during or after pregnancy and parental leave
  • Financial, social and legal assistance before and after birth (e.g. child benefits =
    Kindergeld, parental allowance = Elterngeld)
  • Family planning and fertility
  • Contraception / Funding for contraceptives: for further information in several
    languages, please click here , application please click here
  • Partnership & fertility
  • Sex education

In the family planning centre all are welcome - regardless of race, national origin,
immigration status, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, age, religion or disability.

We are a team of doctors and advisors who can help you in a diverse range of services.

Our counselling is strictly confidential in all cases, and anonymous on request.

There is more about us on Instagram! Follow us to stay updated:




Phone (040) 439 28 22


By the way

We have confidentiality, that is, we tell nothing!


For teenagers everything is free!

Contact us by Telephone

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 10-13 h
Tue & Thu 16-18 h

Opening Hours

Monday 10 – 13 h
Wed & Thu 16 – 19 h
or by appointment

zentrum HH e.V. (FPZ)
Bei der Johanniskirche 20
22767 Hamburg

Phone (040) 439 28 22

E-Mail Kontakt