schnelle-hilfeI need urgent help

Do not despair!
First of all, take a deep breath.

Here you will find information on emergency contraception, forgotten pills, testing for pregnancy, unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

We will provide help to you.

There is no need for you to solve everything on your own.
You are more than welcome to contact us by phone, write an e-mail or come directly to our Family Planning Centre.

We are obliged to confidentiality and if you
wish you can get counselling without giving
us your name.


Phone (040) 439 28 22


By the way

We have confidentiality, that is, we tell nothing!


For teenagers everything is free!

Contact us by Telephone

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 10-13 h
Tue & Thu 16-18 h

Opening Hours

Monday 10 – 13 h
Wed & Thu 16 – 19 h
or by appointment

zentrum HH e.V. (FPZ)
Bei der Johanniskirche 20
22767 Hamburg

Phone (040) 439 28 22

E-Mail Kontakt